Jiangran Lyu | 吕江燃

I am a Ph.D. student at School of Computer Science, Peking University, where I am honored to be advised by Prof. Yizhou Wang and co-advised by Prof. He Wang.

My research interests span Robotics, 3D Vision and Machine Learning. My research objective is to endow embodied agents working in complex real-world scenes with generalizable manipulation, navigation and control capabilities.

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*: joint first author; † corresponding author(s)
ScissorBot: Learning Generalizable Scissor Skill for Paper Cutting via Simulation, Imitation, and Sim2Real
Jiangran Lyu, Yuxing Chen, Tao Du, Feng Zhu, Huiquan Liu, Yizhou Wang, He Wang
CoRL 2024
Data Generation for Robotics@RSS 2024
arXiv / project page / code

We propose the first learning-based robotic paper cutting system. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achives performance comparable to human operation with a single hand under the same conditions.

Towards Robust Probabilistic Modeling on SO(3) via Rotation Laplace Distribution
Yingda Yin*, Jiangran Lyu*, Yang Wang, Haoran Liu, He Wang, Baoquan Chen,
Submitted to TPAMI   (Major Revision)
arXiv / project page / code

We propose a novel Rotation Laplace distribution for probabilistic rotation estimation. Rotation Laplace distribution is robust to the disturbance of outliers and enforces much gradient to the low-error region, resulting in new state-of-the-art performance over both probabilistic and non-probabilistic baselines.

Discovering Visual Co-occurrence for Fine-grained Image Retrieval
Shijie Wang, Haojie Li, Jiangran Lyu, Qi Tian,
Submitted to TPAMI  
arXiv / project page / code

We propose a novel Visual Co-occurrence Discovery Network (VCDN) to discover semantic co-occurring relationships within objects and facilitate the inference of their compositional structures.

Peking University
Ph.D. student in Computer Science
Advisor: Prof. Yizhou Wang and Prof. He Wang

2023.9 - Present

Dalian University of Technology
B.E. from School of Software
2019.9 - 2023.7

Grades: 94.10   (Rank 1/119)

Awards & Honors
  • 2021 China National Scholarships
  • 2020 & 2022 DLUT Toly Scholarships
  • 2023 PKU Hongcai Scholarships

Website template courtesy of Jon Barron.